Tuesday 10 March 2015

The one day in my life where i start to ponder on my whole life purpose..

Well, i took a day leave today just to get my self out of the work that i've been so tired of, the life that i dont understand the meaning of..

I watched some videos today, some movie and tv show, play with my little dog...its ended up 6.25 yet i still failed to find the meaning of life. I needed to know desperately on how i should move on in my future..where i still ponder at.

I'm stuck in a job that i do not have any passion on..well..literally not any. i look back at my life and wonder how i ever come into this stage. Then i remember one of my friend ever told me take a day at a time. Well, i guess that is what i'm going to do now..take  a day at a time...i guess...

What really passionate me is those art, music and DIY stuffs, which i'm not really expert on yet, but still passionate to learn more. I got enough rest today, and moving on, i guess i just really need to spend more time for things that i passionate on, and also, be appreciative of what i have now, i have plenty of good friends who always support me when i'm in need, i have very good qualification both in work experience and academic, i have a very good family who always support and care for me, i have enough financial support to carry on my life and sometimes to afford some little luxury, i have so many things that i should be proud and grateful at.

Today what i really learn is to be appreciative for what i have in my life. I wanted a brand new thought of life from now on. Look at things on a brighter side. I am lucky that i have God in my life to guide me, and all the angels that he send to my life.

I am who i am , and i am proud of it.

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